Thursday, September 30, 2010

seeing blood

So me and the boyprend went out to eat last night before i pulled an all nighter for work. AN ALL NIGHTER FOR WORK! That should be an oxymoron or something, I'm not in school, I'm not an consultant, i don't get paid 6 figuers a year, why the hell am I pulling an all nighter. Thankfully that all nighter equaled to not driving into work in the pouring Nicole today. W00t. Oh. so me and the boyprend went to go eat at Mon Ami Gabbi - a french steak house. Awesome frites and stuff like that righ? So i overheard some men ordering their steaks. "Medium please." "Medium well please" and i'm like um.. i wonder if i could have ever dated a guy who eats their steak medium well. I mean, medium is like borderline and i'm sure i can convince him to try and love the medium rare... but medium well? Doesn't men=steak=mediumrare=football=men? Did that equation get effed up somewhere or am i the traditional girl who wants the manly man who can eat their steak medium rare!? I mean if they're ordering medium to medium well - what are they going to think of me when i order my rare beef on the side of my pho? Or when i want to eat beef carpaccio? god dengit, now i want some beef carpaccio, my bf's style of course.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shorty wanna thug

Short post > no post.
I just watched my 2nd episode of Glee and there was a shit load of
crying and tearing up and boys crying. False advertisement with the
name of the show people!!!


Thursday, September 09, 2010


1st game tonight. Live tweeting gibberish @hanhie


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Oui Oui

Oui oui I am blogging during work. I have plans tonight so I most
likely won't get to this very important post. This came in
yesterday... Although I did not notice the package when I came home
but in the morning when I woke up and was making my coffee for the day
(I love coffee) I saw the amazon box and was like hm.. I don't
remember Timmy ordering anything. Well the box was already open and
the only thing in it was other recycled trash so I didn't know what it
was for until...

UNTIL I walked two steps to put sugar in my coffee <3 and there i saw
it. The dish. The dish that will be filled with yummy delicious butter
filled escargo. Hold on I have to wipe my drool. Butter drenched bread
with a butter drenched escargo on top. Yumyumyum. I DO want this dish
to company my usual pate and prosciutto for new years eve but dammit I
want to eat it for dinner NOW just because. The only thing holding me
back is that we cannot find escargot at any of the supermarkets here
which I find ridiculous. We may have to order online but I'm trying to
avoid that. There's nothing like craving for something and then having
to WAIT 3 to 5 days for it to be delivered.
I think I have a video of a completed escargot dish that Timmy's
brother made when we visited in California. I will try to post it to
make the drool factor x 100000!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Birthday Card

I'm still chugging along with making my own cards... i enjoy it, but not as much as sitting around and doing nothing. Once again, laziness wins.

I really want to make a stack of these so that i have them readily available for upcoming birthdays.... by the way, remember the picture of the 4 greeting cards i posted way back when? Still haven't sent them out yet =x. I guess that just proves I can never make a business out of this because I will never mail them out to my customers! Luckily, i have a decent paying day job.

This one is for my friend's birthday, who shares the same birthday as my gregorian birthday!
i'm in love with buttons and hope i can incorporate it in my christmas cards this year in some way. oh man i gotta start making my christmas cards already! At a rate of one card a month, there will be 4 lucky recipients this year. ho ho ho!

Monday, September 06, 2010

Hey... Waitaminute

How am I suppose to blog appropriately if my laptop is always out of
batteries and the charger is always 3 floors away and I'm too lazy to
go up and down or down and up those flight of stairs? IPhone blogging
will have to do for now...

Two summers ago when rockband first came out I bought that for Timmy's
birthday. We rocked out, except it was at a friend's house with their
system. We did the whole career tour thing. Every weekend until like 3
in the morning.. It was insane how dedicated we were to it and we
weren't even good. We all played on medium/maybe hard. Well one day it
all stopped. I think the dude's wife was a teacher so school started
and what not. Two years later Timmy bought me Band Hero and now we are
playing at another couple's house with their system until 2 I'm the
morning (staying up later is way harder as you get older. Anyway, they
got bomb songs now. A Perfect Circle, Muse... Man I wish Our Lady
Peace would join in. We played Free Bird like 5 times... Do you know
how long that damn song is?? Playing these games does make me
appreciate music again. I want to go to a concert now and preferably
not one when someone is going to get booed off stage 2 minutes into a
song. Sometimes, I feel like I'm too old to be doing these kinds of
things. What do 30 somethings do on their free time anyway??

By the way, can you tell that my iPhone has auto correct? All my I's
are capitalized and spelling is correct and shit!


Thursday, September 02, 2010

Happy 90210 Day!

That means i get to bitch slap someone to celebrate the day right?

My cube is right next to the window, so i get really good sunlight in. I leave my blinds up because I love natural light while I'm working. Well this morning with the sunshine pouring in i can actually see my shadow where my cubewall/monitor is. So i'm making shadow puppets (the bird) and my coworker comes up behind me and starts flapping her arms to make a big bird... then i start flapping my arms after her and moving my head so i (we) looked like a big ol bird with 4 wings flying~~ I did yell at her for flapping too fast.

That's how i started my 11 hour work day.


Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Ahh... the wonderful world of the internet. It can't help you pass hours and hours of your life by, procrastinate, stalk and inspire.

I haven't blogged much lately, but i've been around on the internets, facebooking and tweeting. Trying to keep in touch, trying to remember my life... but seriously, nothing makes you remember more than looking at old pictures and reading the crap you wrote about your own life!

I have a bitter sweet memory about my blogging days. I use to blog almost every day. it was intense. (double rainbow!... see the internet) I was sooooo dramatic in everything, my life, my friends, my love, my heart breaking. When i look back and read it i'm like OMG get a grip of yourself... and i remember, the fights over the words i wrote, the questions about why i wrote the way i did, how come i felt the way that i did. Did i really need to have a discussion about what i blogged about? It was too stressful.

Then i read the "famous" blogs. Dooce (my all time fave), metrodad, weddingbee! People were awesome bloggers. People were awesome writers. Me, i can't even capitalize my i's half of the time. Correct grammar? Nah.. correct punctuation? Nah... but i wanted to write well. Writing well didn't work side by side with my laziness.

So. I stopped blogging. And then tried starting again... but every time i did, i think i was still holding myself back.

Then there was a link:

Ready to have your mind blown away? Arcade Fire makes a movie about your childhood.

and listen to the lyrics!

i love good lyrics.

So i'm back... bad grammar, lowercase i and all