I didn't do tai chi today. I have no excuse... i was just really lazy. My body sorta ached (I think from Golf)... i pretty much laid in bed all day and ate crap.
Anyway, I decided to take a nice hot bubble bath tonight to sooth my aching my body. I feel silky smooth and squeaky clean.
During the bath I just tried to relax and even tried to take a nap, lol, anyway, that didn't work out...
So here I am to blog about one of my main interests which I think I need to blog about more before I forget my thoughts and what I think I like when the time comes.
I'm talking about my love of weddings... that's right, my love of pretty paper bleeds into weddings. I think where paper is the most prettiest is when it is used as a wedding invitation. Now I'm not one of those wedding craze people... I'm not one of those girls who planned my wedding out since i was 3, i never pretended i was a bride... in fact, i actually didn't think weddings were all that until i found weddingbee. All the weddings I've attended before wedding bee was just like a huge party. I come from a small town, and everyone, i mean EVERYONE had their wedding at the same freaking Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was never decorated. The invitations were ALWAYS the same... and random people always showed up. I'm not looking down at weddings there or anything, it was just.. always the same.
I don't remember how the heck i found weddingbee... i've always been into blogs, so i'm sure it was from some blog i read from xanga. FYI - the creator of weddingbee is married to one of the creators of xanga. I actually think she started off on xanga and then went off onto her own... ahh.. xanga, the memories.
Anyway, once i read weddingbee, i was hooked. Not by the actual posts itself (some of them get really long and boring, i find parenting blogs more funny) but the pictures, the ideas, the DIY.. they captured my interest, my awe... it was then when i started appreciating weddings more. All the work put into it.. the little details that most people don't notice.. the freaking money and time and sweat and tears and i think most importantly, the fact that two people are getting married and sharing their vows of love and commitment to one another in front of people they love... or hopefully like. (I know Asian parents have the reputation of inviting random "relatives" to their kids' weddings... i have already told my parents (about 5 years ago, even before i loved weddings) that i will NOT be inviting these "relatives" that i do not even like to my wedding. and i will NOT be pushed around! As for the groom's side... ehh.. i dunno if i'll have much power on that end...
Ehh.. where was i? Oh... so even though I started being infatuated with the wedding business, I still haven't really thought of my own. Pretty weird no? There's just so much you can do, I can't even begin to choose... I remember there was one time I just wanted to pick out my wedding colors and I couldn't do that. I mean, usually you have to take the season into consideration, day or night wedding, blah blah blah... there's A LOT involved. Wedding dress? I have no idea what style I would want or even what style i don't want. Place for wedding? psh... invites? HAH!
That's right, I'm one indecisive person... until now. I think I've come to a conclusion on my wedding colors.
I have always loved driving home at 4-5 in the morning when I lived at my parents. For one thing, there's a lake that I have to drive by to get there. When the sun is about to rise, the scene is just so calming... and the thought of a new day... from a night of having fun with some friends and being able to go home to your family... its just so.. uplifting? relaxing? The scene to me was like a breath of fresh air... a breath of life.
Then i saw that a weddingbee blogger was going to have pinks and grays for her wedding... it was such a romantic color... how about my favorite color purple and grays? like the sky in the morning pre-sun... or even sometimes the color of the sky when it's just stopped raining.
I couldn't find pictures to inspire me... so i kind of gave up on the colors.
Then i saw my color scheme in the mall. in the window of Banana Republic... the purple, the grays.. it was perfect.. i fell in love with it again... i think I really want to use it...
I hope I don't change my mind again.
...OH. I've also realized I don't want flowers as centerpieces.